Monday, 17 March 2014

University of Hyderabad Ph.d Plant Sciences 2013 part B

26' The proofreading of newly synthesized DNA, to excise incorrect nucleotides which have been
inserted, is done by:
A. Restriction endonucleases
B. DNA gyrase
C. DNAligase
D. DNApolymerase III

27. which of the following statements is FALSE conceming a mating between F+ and F cell?
A the F cell is converted to an F+ cell
B. the F+ oell is converted to an F- cell
C. ohromosomal genes are rarely transferred
D. the genes involved in pilus forrnation are tansferred at high frequency

28. Which is the correct order, &om smallest to largest number of base pairs?
A. plasmid, tansposon chromosomal DNA
B. chromosomal DNA, transposon, plasmid
C. tansposo4 plasmid, chromosomal DNA
D. plasmid, chromosomal DNA, transposon

29. which of the following statements about the use of mass spectrometry in protein
investigation is NOT correct?
A, Mass spectrometry involves ionized molecules in the gas phase
B. Mass spectrometry is used for analysing the sequence of peptides
C, Ionic fragments are separated according to their ratio in Mass spectrometry
D. Mass spectrometry involves the separation of ionic fragments on a gel

30. ultra violet light can damage a DNA stand causing
A. two adjacent purine residue to form a covalently bounded dimer
B. two adjacent pyrimidine residues to form covalently bonded dimer
C. disruption of phosphodiesterase linkage
D. disruption of non-covalent linkage

31. Repressor binds to DNA sequence and regulates the tanscription. This sequence is called
A. Attenuator
B. Terminator
C, Anti-terminator
D. Operator

32. Antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin and Flouroquinolines work by inhibiting a specific enzyme.
This enzyme is normally necessary to relieve torsional strain that is caused by the unwinding
of the helix. What is the name of this enzyme?
A. DNA ligase
B. Topoisomerase (DNA Gyrase)
C, Single-stranded binding protein
D. Primase

33. The region of DNA known as TATA BOX is the site for binding of
A. DNA polymerase
B. DNA topoisomerase
C. DNA dependent RNA polymerase
D. Polynucleotide phosphorylase

34. Once transcribed, eukaryotic mRNA typically undergoes substantial alteration that results
primarily from
A. excision of introns
B. union with ribosomes
C. linkage to histone molecules
D. fusion into circular forms known as plasmids

35. Protein secondary structures such as o helices and p sheets are stabilized mainly by
A. disulfide bond formation
B. Van der Waals forces
C. hydrogen bond formation
D. hydrophobic interactions

36. When you measure the amount of a protein in a solution by UV absorbance, you are actually
detecting the UV absorbance of predominantly which amino acid?
A. Tryptophan
B. Arginine
C. Methionine
D. Histidine

37 .lf 10 gn of sodium chloride (NaCl; FW 58.44) are dissolved into 100 ml of water, what is the
molar concentration of sodium chloride in the solution?
A. 0.17
B. 0.58
c. l.7l
D. 5.84

38. As far as the absorbance of DNA at260nlrn is concerned, which of the following is correct?
A. individual nucleotidePss DNA>dsDNA
B. dsDNA>ssDNA> individual nucleotides
C. ssDNA>dsDNA> individual nucleotides
D. absorbance remains same

39. The enzyme that catalyzes peptide bond between two amino acids is located in the
A. smaller subunit of Ribosome
B. larger subunit of Ribosome
C. leader region of mRNA
D. central part of IRNA

40. Which of the following promoters has been used in Barnase-Barstar system in genetic
engineering for pollination control?
A. CalvIv35S
B. P-Nos
C. TA-29
D. PPR-10

41. Which of the following database is exclusively designed to study Protein-Protein Interactions
A. Pubmed
C. SWISS-MODEL Repository
D. Protein Databank (PDB)

42. Gregor Mendel's approach to the study of heredity was effective for several reasons.
Compared to previous geneticists, the unique characteristics of Mendel work was
A. choosing the garden pea for his experiment
B. crossing true-breeding plants
C. producing hybrids
D. keeping records of numbers of different progeny

43. Bacterial gastroenteritis is the disease of major concern in relation to consumption foods such
as meats, poultry, and eggs. Often, the onset of symptoms occurs after an incubation time as
short as eight hours. The organism associated with such food spoilage is
A. Bacillus cereus
B. Cyclospora cayetanensis
C. Escherichia coli
D. Salmonella enteritidis

44. Various species of fungi provide a unique opportunity for tetrad analysis because
A. they have two mating types
B. they multiply rapidly
C. they can grow vegetatively as haploids
D. they house all four haploid products of each meiosis in ascus

45. Which out of the following is a peptide antibiotic?
A. Erythrromycin
B. Grarnicidin
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Tetracycline

46. Strigolactone, a recently discovered plant hormone plays a great role in the regulation of
A. fruit ripening
B. cell division
C. cell death
D. shoot branching

47.The archaebacteria can tolerate extremes of heat and pH due to
A. the presence of branched chain lipids in the cell membrane
B. the absence of peptidoglycans in the cell walls
C. the presence of an extra layer of of capsule around the cell walls
D. being the most ancient organisms

48. What is common component among: ATP, FAD and NAD?
A. Phenolic Acid
B. Adenine
C. A heme group
D. Flavin

49. Identify insectivorous plant
A. Physalis
B. Elaeis
C. Sarracenia
D. Euphorbia

50. Bat pollinated flowers are called
A. Anemophilous
B. Chiropterophilous
C. Hydrophilous
D. Entmophilous

51. The most commonly microorganism associated during the early stages of production of
diff€rent typ€s of cheese world over is
A. Geotrichum candidam
B. Iactococcas lactis
C. Iactobacillrc plantarum
D. Pediococcus cerevisiae

52. Phenyl alanhe is similar to tyrosine in the sarne way that
A. Phe is similar to Trp
B. Ser is similar to Thr
C. Ala is similar Ser
D. Val is similar to Thr

53. In the liquid fomr of water how many hydmge,lr bonds can potentially takes plaoe?
A. one
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

54. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:
A. Relates the pH of a solution to the pKa and the concentrations of acid and conjugate base
B. Does not explain the behavior of di- or tri-basic weak acids
C. Employs the same value for pKa for all weak acids
D, Is equally useful with solutions of acetic acid and hydrochloric acid

55. The light reaction of photosynthesis DOES NOT include
A. Chemiosmosis
B. Charge Separation
C. Electron transport
D. Oxygen liberation

56. An organism grown in the presence of 1-14 C-labeled glucose produced isopropyl alcohol as
the major product and has labeled carbons at I and 3. What does the result indicate?
A. Isopropyl alcohol results from the tail-to-tail condensation of acetyl CoA, followed by
B. Isopropyl alcohol results frorn the head-to-tail condensation of acetyl CoA, followed by
C. Isoprophyl alcohol rcsults from the tail-to-tail oondensation of pynnrate followed by
D. Isopropyl alcohol resulb Aom head-to-tail condensation of pynwate followed by

57 . A characteristic feature of a panmictic population is:
A. Gene erosion
B. Genetic drift
C. Gene pooling
D. Genetic balance

58. How many microspores would be produced from 200 actively dividing microspore mother
cells during the process of microsporogenesis in a maturing anther lobe:
A. 50
B. 200
c. 400
D. 800

59. The chromosomes in which DNA replicates innumerable times with no cytokinesis:
A. Meiotic chromosomes
B. Mitotic chromosomes
C. Polytene chromosomes
D. Polyploid chromosomes

60. The ploidy of matured endosperm cells is:
B. 2n
C. 3n
D. 4n

61. Pappus of Compositae is a modification of
A. Calyx
B. Corolla
C. Androecium
D. Bracts

62. A potentially stable and heritable change in gene expression that occurs without a change in
DNA sequence is called
A. functional genomics
B. epigenetics
C. association genetics
D. Mendelian genetics

63. The edible part in Garlic is
A. Leaves
B. Stem
C. Bracts
D. Stipules

64. Largest number of cultured bacteria belong to the phylum
A. Deinococcus
B. Firmicutes
C. Bacteroidetes
D. Proteobacteria

65. Identify an organisms containing bacteriochlorophyll_g
A. Chromatium
B. Rhodopseudomonas
C. Heliobacter
D. Chlorobium

66' one of the following platforms is used for whole cell fingerprinting

67 ' TERMNAL FLOWER I (TFLI), a meristem identity gene, is a marker for----
A. shoot apical meristem
B. root apical meristem
C. inflorescence meristem
D. floral meristem

68' If the new leaves are pale green, turn yellow-green as they  enlarge; plants growth; show sparse lack fruits or with few fruits, pale in color the plants are said to be deficient in
A. Nitrogen
B. Copper
C. Boron
D. Magnesium

69' Starch is insoluble in water. Yet it is accumulated in large quantities in potato tubers because:
A. soil microorganisms deposit starch in tubers
B. it is synthesized in potato tuber itself
C. it is translocated from the leaves to the fubers in the forrr of sugars
D. it is useful for tuber consumption

70. Isoschizomers are
A. restriction endonucleases isolated from different organisms and cleave within the same
target sequences
B. different enzymes having same isoelectric point
C. difflerent enzymes having common coenzymes
D. different enzymes having common prosthetic group

71. Photolyase is a
A. light activated peptidase
B. light activated enzyme involved in photosynthesis
C. DNA repair enzyme
D. Phtorespiratory enzyme

72.Hypoxanthin is resulted from of Adenine
A. alkylation
B. deamination
C. adduct formation
D. epoxidation

73. Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei offered the direct evidence that
A. RNA sequences code for specific amino acids
B. DNA is genetic material
C. Proteins are synthesized from N-terminal end to C-terminal end
D. Proteins are synthesized from C-terminal end to N-terminal end

74. Cyathium inflorescence found in the genus
A. Ficus
B. Ricinus
C. Euphorbia
D. Ocimum

75. What is SMART ?
A. A curated collection of protein domain
B. It is an abbreviation of Sequence of Monomers fue Repeating Ten-times in a DNA
C. tt is an abbreviation of Sequence of Microsatellite Amplified RT-PCR product
D. It is a gene prediction software

University of Hyderabad Ph.d. Plant Sciences 2O13 part A


1. Whittaker's five-kingdom classification of living things is based on

A, Cell type only
B. Nutrition only
C. Cell type and level of organization
D. Cell type, level of organization and nutrition type

2. The necessary ingredients for DNA synthesis can be mixed together in a PCR tube. The DNA
polymerase is from Thermus aquaticus and the template is from a human cell. The DNA
synthesized would be most similar to:
A. human DNA
B. human RNA
C. T. aquaticas DNA
D. a mixture of T. aquaticus and human DNA

3. Which is the most stable form of DNA under normal physiological conditions

4. Match the following biological subjects from the Column A with their best description in
Column B and mark the correct answer
Cqlurnn A                     Column B
L. Agrostology 1. the study of insect pests
M. Palynology 2. the study of pollen grains
N. Entomology 3. the study of autosome
O. Autecology 4. the study of ecology of individual organisms or species
                        5. study of grasses
A. L-5;M-2;N-1; O-4
B. L-2; M-5; N-l; O-4
C. L-5; M-2;N4; O-3
D. L-5, M-Z;N-I; O-3

5. Root pressure is maximum when transpiration is
A. low and absorption is high
B. high and absorption is also high
C. low and absorption is also low
D. high and absorption is very low

6. All ofthe following are involved in ffanslating information into proteins EXCEpT:
B. siRNA
D. snRNA

7. ln nucleotides, phosphate is attached to sugar by
A. Salt bond
B. Hydrogen bond
C. Ester bond
D. Glycosidic bond

8. The bonding of two amino acid molecules to form a larger protein molecule requires
A. the release of a water molecule
B. the release of a carbon dioxide molecule
C. the addition of a nitrogen atom
D. the addition of a water molecule

9. All of the below mentioned amino acids can participate in hydrogen bonding EXCET one -
A. Serine
B. Cysteine
C. Threonine
D. Valine

10. Following its synthesis, an oligonucleotide is dissolved in 1.5 mL of water. you dilute 50 pL
of the oligonucleotide into a total volume of 1000 pL and read the absorbance of the diluied
sample at26} nm. An Azao of 0.264 is obtained. Howmany OD urits axe present in the 1.5
mL of oligonucleotide stock?
A. 0.26
B. A.79
c. 2.64
D. 7.92

1 l. You are given two different protein solutions containing proteins A and B. you forgot to
label those extremely valuable samples. Proteins A anA b exclusively contain alpha/beta
barrel and beta barrel respectively. Which of the following is the- easiest biophysical
technique that can be used to identity protein A and protein B without arnbiguity?
A. Fluorescence spectroscopy
B. CD spectroscopy
C. NMR spectroscopy
D. X-Ray crystallography

12' The first step in two-dimensional gel elecfrophoresis generates a series of protein isoelectric focusing. ln bands by a second itrp, a strip of thiJ gel is turned 90 degrees, placed on another gel containing SDS, and electric current is again applied. In this ,second step'

A' the individual bands become stained so that the isoelectric focus patten can be visualized B' the proteins with similar isoelectric points become firther separated according to their molecular weights
C' the individual bands become visualized by interacting with protein-specific antibodies in ,l the second gel '
D' the proteins in the bands separate more completely because the second electric current is in the opposite polarity to the first current

13' Asymmetric divisions are known to drive plant development. The earliest marker for asymmetry during embryogenesis is
A. abscisic acid
B. auxin
C. gibberellins
D. niric oxide

14' In a given population, only the 'A' and oB' alleles are present in the ABO system: there are no individuals with type 'o' blood or with 'o' alleles in the particular population. If 200 people have type A blood, 7-5 tnve type AB blood, and 25 trave tJrpr B blood, the allelic frequencies of 'p' and .q' in the population are
A. 0.666 and 0.394
B. 0.792 and 0.208
C. 0.833 and 0.167
D. 0.916 and 0.084

15' The major events that occuring Meiosis I (reductional division) are listed below. Which of these is INCORRECT with respect to description of events in that stage?
A' Prophase t: Synapsis of homologous chromosomes and crossing over B' Metaphase-l: Homologous pain of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate C' Anaphase 1: sister chromatids of each homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles
D. Telophase l: chromosomes arrive at the spindle poles

16' If the A and B loci are 40 cm apart and an AAbb individual and an aaBB individual mate, the proportion of Ab gametes produced by the F1 individual will be
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%o
D. 40%

17. Eco-friendly biological pesticides are available. Identify one such pesticide among the
A. Bacillus amyloliquifaniens
B. Bacillusthuringiensis
C. Bacillus cerens
D. Bacillus ferriHdans

18. Hallucinogenic alkaloids produced by this fungus can lead to altered behavior, abortion, and
death if grains infected with this fungus axe eaten. Identify, among the following, the fungus
that produces such compounds.
A. Agaricus compestris
B. Aspergiiius jiavus
C. Claviceps Purpurea
D. Penicillium notatum

19. Sulfamethoxazole is a member of sulfonamide group of antimetabolites that are often used as
bacteriostatic antibacterial drugs. Such drugs affect bacterial grourth by
A. Binding to the plasma membrane and disrupt its stnrctrre and perrreability properties
B. Binding to 23S rRNA of large ribosomal subunit (50S) to inhibit peptide chain elongation
during protein synthesis
C. Inhibiting the folic acid biosynthesis by competing withp-aminobenzoic acid
D. Inhibiting DNA-dependent RNA polymerase

20. Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence for the movement of electrons during the
. light-dependent reactions of plants?
A. Water to Pffis to P76s to NADP+
B. Water to P5ss to Pzoo to NADP+
C. Pffis to Pzoo to water to NADP+
D. Poao to water to PTss to NADP+

21. Stokes shift is?
A. difference in absorption
B. difference in wavelength of fluorescence
C. difference in wavelength of absorption and fluorescence emission maxima
D. difference in wavenumber of infrared and frequency

22. Plants growing in shading plants are:
A. Heliophytes
B. Sciophytes
C. Bryophytes
D. Epiphytes

23. The step virus growth cycle' is a technique to understand virus replication. This technique is
given by
A. Emory Eltis & Ma:r Delbruck
B. Walter Reed & Erwin Popper
C. Frederick Twort & Felix Herelle
D. Ma>r Theiler & George Hirst

24.The lowest pH known till now at which bacteria can grow
A. 1.0
B. 0.7
c. 1,7
D. 2.0

25. Serpentine ecosystem is located in
A. Gangetic plain
B. Kutch
C. Andaman & Nicobar
D. Bihar

CSIR Lifesciences June 2011 part A solved

1.       The cumulative profits of a company since its inception are shown in the diagram. If the net worth of the company at the end of 4th year is 99 crores, the principal it had started with was

1. 9.9 crores
2. 91 crores
3. 90 crores
4. 9.0 crores

2. Popular use of which of the following fertilizers increases the acidity of soil?

1. Potassium Nitrate
2. Ammonium sulphate
3. Urea
4. Superphosphate of lime

3. Exposing an organism to a certain chemical can change nucleotide bases in a gene, causing mutation. In one such mutated organism if a protein had only 70% of the primary amino acid sequence, which of the following is likely?

1. Mutation broke the protein
2. The organism could not make amino acids
3. Mutation created a terminator codon
4. The gene was not transcribed

4. A reference material is required to be prepared with 4 ppm calcium. The amount of CaCO3 (molecular weight = 100) required to prepare 1000 g of such a reference material is
1. 10 μg
2. 4 μg
3. 4 mg
4. 10 mg
5. Identify the figure which depicts a first order reaction
6. The speed of a car increases every minute as shown in the following Table. The speed at the end of the 19th minute would be

1. 26.5
2. 28.0
3. 27.0
4. 28.5

7. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is doubled and there are favorable conditions of water, nutrients. light and temperature. What would happen to water requirement of plants?

1. It decreases initially for a short time and then returns to the original value
2. It increases
3. It decreases
4. It increases initially for a short time and then returns to the original value

8. If Vinput is applied to the circuit shown, the output would be

9. A physiological disorder X always leads to the disorder Y. However, disorder Y may occur by itself. A population shows 4% incidence of disorder Y. Which of the following inferences is valid

1. 4% of the population suffers from both X&Y

2. less than 4% of the population suffers from X
3. At least 4% of the population suffers from X
4. There is no incidence of X in the given population

10. Water is dropping out of a tiny hole at the bottom of three flasks whose base diameter ' is the same, and are initially filled to the same height,as shown

Which is the correct comparison of the rate of fall of the volume of water in the three flasks?
1. A fastest, B slowest
2. B fastest, A slowest
3. B fastest, C slowest
4. C fastest, B slowest

11. How many σ bonds are present in the following molecule?

1. 4
2. 10
3. 6
4. 13

12. The graph represents the depth profile 0f temperature in the open ocean; in which region this is likely to be prevalent

1. Tropical region
2. Equatorial region
3. Polar region
4. Sub-tropical region

13. The normal boiling point of a solvent (whose vapour pressure curve is shown in the figure) on a planet whose normal atmosphere pressure is 3 bar, is about

1. 400K
2. 273K
3. 100K
4. 500K

14. Diabetic patients are advised a low glycaemic index diet. The reason for this is
1. They require less carbohydrate than healthy individuals
2. They cannot assimilate ordinary carbohydrates
3. They need to have slow, but sustained release of glucose in their blood stream
4. They can tolerate lower, but not higher than normal blood sugar levels

15. Glucose molecules diffuse across a cell of diameter d in time τ. If the cell diameter is tripled, the diffusion time would

1. increase to 9τ
2. decrease to τ/3
3. increase to 3τ
4. decrease to τ/9

16. The reason for the hardness of diamond is

1. extended covalent bonding
2. layered structure
3. formation of cage structures
4. formation of tubular structures

17. Which of the following particles has the largest range in a given medium if their initial energies arc the same?

1. alpha
2. gamma
3. positron
4. electron

18. A ball is dropped from a height h above the surface of the earth. Ignoring air drag, the curve that best represents its variation of acceleration is

19. Among on a polished stone floor one feels colder than on a rough floor of the same stone. This is because

1. Thermal conductivity of the stone depends on the surface smoothness
2. Specific heat of the stone changes by polishing it
3. The temperature of the polished floor is lower than that of the rough floor
4. There is greater heat loss from the holes of the feet when in contact with the polished floor than with the rough floor

20. The acidity of normal rain water is due to

1. SO2
2. CO2
3. NO2
4. NO

CSIR Lifesciences June 2011 part B solved

21. Recent Studies on Archae suggest that life could have originated

1. extra terrestrially and seeded through meteorite impacts.
2. in shallow coastal areas.
3. in deep hydrothermal vents.
4. in hot, terrestrial habitats.

22. If the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions per site in protein coding gene is greater than one, it is an evidence of selection that is
1. positive
2. negative
3. neutral
4. random

23. The following is the biochemical pathway for purple pigment production in flowers of sweet pea: Recessive mutation of either gene A or B leads to the formation of white flowers. A cross is made between two parents with the genotype: AaBb x aabb. Considering that the two genes are not linked, the phenotypes of the expected progenies are

1. 9 purple: 7 white.
2. 3 white : 1 purple.
3. 1 purple: 1 white.
4. 9 purple: 6 light purple: 1 white.

24. The frequencies of alleles 'A' and 'a' in a population at Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. In a random sample of 250 individuals taken from the population, how many are
expected to be heterozygous?

1. 112
2. 81
3. 105

25. The transition to flowering in plants requires

1. growth of plants under long- day conditions.
2. growth of plant under short- day conditions.
3. reprogramming of the shoot apical meristem
4. synthesis of the flowering hormone florigen.

26. In an altruistic act. if a donor sacrifices ‘C’offspring which sthe recipient to gain 'B' offspring and the donor is related to the recipient by a coefficient γ. Under which condition would kin
selection favor this altruistic trait?

l. B > C
2. B > γC
3. γB - C = 0
4. γB - C > 0

27. Aneuploid females with only one X chromosome is a characteristic of individuals with
1. Cri du chat syndrome
2. Klinefelter syndrome
3. Down syndrome
4. Turner syndrome

28. Which of the following food crops has recently been genetically engineered to o in edible vaccine to develop immunity against hepatitis B?
1. Banana
2. Maize
3. Potato
4. Tomato

29. The most commonly used method of estimating primary productivity of a pond involves measurement of the amount of
1. CO2 utilized.
2. autotroph biomass.
3. Oxygen released.
4. Organic carbon

30. The area of allowed regions in the Ramachandran map will be least for
1. Gly.
2. L-Ala.
3. L-Prol.
4. a-methyl L-valine.

31. Small RNAs with internally complementary sequences that form hairpin-like structure, synthesized as precursor RNAs and cleaved by endonucleases to form short duplexes are called
1. snRNA.
2. mRNA.
3. tRNA.
4. miRNA.

32. A much greater proportion of energy fixed by autotrophs is transferred to the herbivore level III the open ocean ecosystem than in a forest ecosystem because
1. aquatic autotrophs are small.
2. aquatic herbivores are more efficient feeders.
3. terrestrial autotrophs are less efficient feeders.
4. terrestrial autotrophs have more indigestible tissues.

33. Polar bears maintain their body temperature because they have more of
1. transducin protein.
2. uncoupling protein.
3. myoglobin protein.
4. FoF1 ATPase.

34. Transport of water across aquaporins is regulated by the presence of which of the following sequence of three highly conserved amino acids?
1. Ala-Asn-Pro.
2. Pro-Asn-Ala.
3. Asn-Pro-Ala.
4. Pro-Ala-Asn.

35. Which of the cyclins have/has essential functions in S-phase of cell cycle?
1. A-type.
2. B-type.
3. D-type.
4. Both B and D-types.

36. During generation of an action potential, depolarization is due to
1. K+ efflux.
2. Na+ efflux.
3. Na+ influx.
4. K+ influx.

37. G protein-linked receptors are transmembrane proteins of
1. single-pass.
2. three-pass.
3. five-pass.
4. seven-pass.

38. Release of nutrients, oxidants or electron donors into the environment to stimulate naturally occurring microorganisms to degrade a contaminant, is referred to as
1. biostimulation.
2. phytoremediation.
3. bioaugmentation.
4. bioremediation.

39. A mechanism that can cause a gene to move from one linkage group to another is
1. crossing over.
2. inversion.
3. translocation.
4. duplication.

40. Th2 response is generated and maintained mainly by which of the following pair of cytokines?
1. IL-4 and IL-10.
2. IL-12 and IFN-γ.
3. IFN-γ and TNF-a.
4. IL-2 and IL-I2.

41. Cytoplasmic detern1inants coding for anterior structure of Drosophila embryo, if injected elsewhere in the recipient embryo, would lead to
1. normal development
2. Formation of additional ectopic head.
3. degeneration
4. a phenotype with two heads and two tails

42. The dwarf pea mutant (le) used by Mendel was defective in which of the following enzyme involved gibberellin biosynthesis?
1. ent-Kaurene synthase.
2. GA 3β-hydroxylase.
3. GA 20-oxidase.
4. ent-Kaurenoic acid hydroxylase.

43. ELISA assay uses
1. an enzyme which can react with secondary antibody.
2. an enzyme which can react with the antigen.
3. a substrate which gets converted into a colored product.
4. a radiolabelled secondary antibody.

44. Which of the following molecules is involved in Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion?
1. Calmodulin
2. Cadherin
3. N-CAM
4. Calpain

45. The 5' Cap of RNA is required for the
1. stability of RNA only.
2. stability and transport of RNA.
3. transport of RNA only.
4. methylation of RNA.

46. Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors contain selectable markers. Loss of which marker at the cloning site distinguishes the religated YACs from the original vector marker?
1. TRP1
2. SUP4
3 URa3

47. In amphibian oocyte, the germplasm which gets segregated during cleavage to give rise to primordial germ cells (PGC's) is normally
1. distributed evenly throughout the oocyte.
2. localized at animal pole.
3. localized at vegetal pole.
4. aggregated in central part of oocyte.

48. Which of the following statements with respect to alternate oxidase activity in cyanide- resistant respiration in plants, is not correct?
1. Alternate oxidase accepts electrons directly from cytochrome C
2. Some plants exhibit thermogenesis during inflorescene development.
3. Transcription of alternate oxidase gene is often induced by various abiotic stresses
4. When electrons pass to alternate oxidase, two sites of proton pumping are bypassed.

49. In mature Arabidopsis embryo, root apical meristem consists of cells derived from
1. embryo and apical suspensor cell.
2. embryo only.
3. suspensor only.
4. hypophysis only

50. Na+-K+ ATPase is a tetramer of 2α and 2β subunits. On which of the following subunits are the Na+ and K+ binding sites present?
1. both on α
2. both on β
3. Na+ on α and K+ on β
4. Na+ on β and K+ on α

51. A mother of blood group O has a group O child. The father could be of blood type
1. A or B or O.
2. O only.
3. A or B.
4. AB only.

52. Following figure shows McArthur and Wilson's equilibrium model of biota on a single island. In this figure, terms A, B, C and D in order are
1. extinction, immigration, equilibrium number of species, size of species pool.
2. immigration, extinction, equilibrium number of species, size of species pool.
3. extinction, immigration, size of species pool, equilibrium number of species.
4. immigration, extinction, size of species pool, equilibrium number of species.

53. Routinely used glucose biosensor estimates blood glucose level by sensing the concentration of
1. glucose.
2. oxygen.
3. δ-gluconolactone.
4. H2O2

54. Name the ectothermic animal that can thermoregulate by behavioural means rather than by physiological means.
1. Bumble bee in an orchard.
2. Tuna fish in the Ocean.
3. Lizard in a desert.
4. Flatworm in a pond.

55. Which of the following methods of plant transformation can be used to introduce a gene into chloroplast genome?
1. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
2. Particle delivery system
3. Permeabilization
4. Electroporation

56. The μ and σ of wing length (a normally distributed parameter) in a population of fruit flies are 4 and 0.2 mm, respectively. In a random sample of 400 fruit flies, how many individuals are expected to have wing lengths greater than 4.4 mm?
1. 20
2. 64
3. 10
4. 336

57. Which of the following is a characteristic of an early seral community?
1. Narrow niche specialization.
2. High species diversity .
3. Low community production.
4. Open mineral cycling.

58. A culture of an E. coli strain that is lysogenic for phage lambda is grown at 32°C. Induction of the prophage from the host chromosome will occur when the culture is exposed to
1. 40°C.
2. ultra violet radiation.
3. infra red radiation.
4. wild type E. coli culture

59. During urine formation, the filtration of blood at the glomerulus is
1. an active process.
2. an osmotic process.
3. a pressure-dependent physical process.
4. a non energy - mediated transport process.

60. If the core body temperature of a human rises above normal, which of the following processes would be initiated sequentially for Thermo-regulation?
1. Peripheral vasodilatation, increased rate of respiration, tachycardia.
2. Peripheral Vasoconstriction, increased rate of respiration, bradycardia.
3. Peripheral vasodilatation, decreased rate of respiration, tachycardia.
4. Peripheral vasodilatation, decreased rate of respiration, bradycardia.

61 With which protein of Yersinia would integrin proteins of mammalian cells interact for internalization?
1. Pilin
2. Fimbrin
3. Invasin
4. Adherin

62.Graves disease is associated with
1. insufficiency of thyroid hormones.
2. excess of thyroid hormones.
3. insufficiency of corticosteroids.
4. excess of growth hormones.

63. The fidelity of replicative base selection can be reduced by a factor of 102 when the repair of DNA synthesis involves
1. AP endonuclease.
2. ABC exinuclease.
3. DNA photolyase.
4.TLS DNA polymerase.

64. What is the minimum number of NTPs required for the fom1ation of one peptide bond during protein synthesis?
1. One
2. Two
3. Four
4. Six

65. 'Imperfect fungi' is a group represented by fungal species which have
1. simple mycelia.
2. no known mechanisms of sexual reproduction.
3. unkown phylogenetic relationship.
4. lost its survival mechanism against harsh environments.

66. The photoreceptor commonly involved in light entrainment of the biological clock in flies, moulds and plants is
1. phytochrome.
2. rhodopsin.
3. carotenoid.
4. cryptochrome.

67. The free energy ΔG of a dissolved solute
1. increases with solute concentration
2. decreases with solute concentration
3. is independent of solute concentration
4. depends only on temperature.

68. Which of the following is not a characteristic of phylum Chordata?
1. Pharyngeal slits
2. Amniotic egg
3. Postanal tail
4. Notochord

69. In India, brown antlered deer (sangai) is found only in the floating landmasses of
1. Wular lake.
2. Sasthamkotta lake.
3. Dallake.
4. Lok Tak lake.

70. Both halophytes and glycophytes compartmentalize toxic ions into the intracellular compartment or actively pump them out of the cell to the apoplasts with the  of membrane transport proteins. Among these, the Na+ - H+ antiporter, NHX 1, is localized in the
1. plasma membrane.
2. chloroplast (inner envelope).
3. mitochondria (outer membrane).
4. tonoplast.