Friday, 20 March 2015

University of Hyderabad 2012 Phd BIOTECHNOLOGY PART B PAPER


26.The resting potential of a neuron is dependent on what two ions?
A. lead and calcium ions
B. calcium and phosphate ions
C. sodium and potassium ions
D. potassium and phosphate ions

27. A double stranded DNA showed a positive peak around 260 nm followed by a negative trough -what form of DNA it is?
A. A form
B. B form
C. C form
D. Z form

28. Alpha helix of a protein can be estimated at the following wavelength in CD spectrum
A. 217 nm
B. 190 nm
D. 280nm

29. DNA
A. is more susceptible than.RNA to degradation at high pH
B. can hybridize with other DNA molecules but not with RNA
C. has fewer hydroxyl groups than RNA
D. has catalytic activity

30. Which one of the following radiolabeled compounds is most commonly used for studying DNA synthesis in cultures of Escherichia coli?
A. [3H] thymidine
g. [14C] uridine
c. [Gamma-32P] dATP

3l . The Lac repressor
A. Is induced by exposure of a bacterial cellto lactose
B. Uses the sarne promoter as the lacZ gene
C. Changes the shape in the presence of inducer
D. Can form altemate stem-loop structures

32. Following is not a characteristic of the mRNA 5' cap
A. 7-methylguanosine triphosphate
B. 2'-OH methylation
C. 3'-->5'linkage
D. 5'-->5'linkage

33. How (eukaryotic) viruses acquire lipid membranes?
A. The lipids are synthesized by proteins coded by viral genes.
B. The viral capsid acquires the membrane when it leaves the host cell.
C. The viral capsid acquires the membrane when it is assembled inside the host cell.
D. The viral capsid acquires the membrane rvhen it first binds to a host cell.

34. Which of the following is NOT a type of histone modification?
A. Acetylation
B. ADP-ribosylation
C. Methylation
D. Phosphorylation

35. Enzyme which incorporate oxygen into a substrate are called
A. Oxidases
B. Dehydrogenases
C. Oxygenases
D. Hydroperooxidases

36. The bonds that are important in the secondary structure of protein are
A. Hydrophobic interactions
B. Peptide bonds
C. Hydrogen bonds
D. Disulphide bonds

37. The cell wall component of Gram negative bacteria which is mostly associated with'the induction of septic shock.
A. Capsular protein
B. Endotoxin
C. Peptidoglycan
D. Phospholipid

38. Select the principal means by which antigenic shift occurs in influenza A virus.
A. Low fidelity of DNA dependent DNA polymerase
B. Low fidelity of RNA dependent RNA polymerase
C. Low fidelity of reverse transcriptase
D. Reassortment of fragments of the RNA genome

39. Which of the statement about hemoglobin is NOT correct?
A. Number of contacts between two c chains are less than the contacts between o and p chains
B. Increasing pH increases the percentage of oxygen saturation at a given oxygen partial pressure
C. During deoxygenation, hemes of a chains are slightly separated apart and p chains come closer
D. In sickle cell hemoglobin glutamic acid is replaced with valine in the sixth position of p chain

40. By adding SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) during the electrophoresis of proteins, it is possible to:
A. determine an enzyme's specific activity
B. determine the amino acid composition of the protein
C. preserve a protein's native structure and biological activity
D. separate proteins exclusively on the basis of molecular weight

41. One round of Edman degradation of the peptide: H2N-Gly-Arg-*Lys-Phe-As5 COOH would result in which of the following structures or their phenyl isothiocyanate derivatives?
A. H2N-Gly-Arg-COOH + HzN-Lys-Phe-Asp-{OOH
B. H2N-Gly-Arg-Lys-Phe--COOH + Asp
C. H2N-Arg-Lys-Phe-Asp-COOH + Gly
D. H2N-gly-Arg-Lys--COOH + HN-phe-AsSCOOH

42. Aromatic amino acids can be detected by
A. Sakaguchi reaction.
B. Millon-Nasse reaction
C. Hopkins-Cole reaction
D-Xanthoproteic reaction

43. Death of T cells in negative selection occurs because of
A. Low affinity receptors for self MHC
B. High affinity receptors for self MHC
C. Both
D. None

44.The primary activities of complement system DO NOT include
A. Opsonization
B. Cell Lysis
C. Clearance of immune complexes
D. Tissue regeneration
45. Which of the following is used to search protein database using a translated nucleotide query?

46. Which of the following is the distance based method for phylogenetic analysis?
A. Neighbor-Joining method
B. Maximum Parsimony method
C. Maximum Likelihood method
D. all above metlods

47. BLOSUM is an acronym for
A. Basic substraction matrix
B. Basic local summation matrix
C. Blocks substitution matrix
D. Blocks substituted mutation

48. Which of the following tool is used for molecular structure file conversion?

49. Which of the following is SMILE code for 2-propanol?

50. Glutathione and Clutathione conjugates originate from
A. Methionine
B. S-adenosyl methionine
C. Cysteine
D. Cystine

5l . Bioactive endogenous gibberellic acids are rendered inactive by
A. 2B-hydroxylation
B. 3B-hydroxylation
C. 2,38-hydroxylation
D. 2u-hydroxylation

52. One of the following organisms that produces carbapenemase enzyme and termed as a 'superbug'
B. Clostridium dfficile
C. NDM-1 positive E. coli
D. Yersinia pestis

53' Bacterial pathogen that has co-evolved with its human host 
C. C-reactive proteins
D. All of the above

60. Method(s) used to validate protein-protein interaction
A. Immuno-coprecipitation and pull down
B. Biacore analysis
C. Yeast two hybrid assay
D. All of the above

6l. Which of the following is NOT a virulence factor
A. Invasins
B. Adhesins
C. Collectins
D. Flagellins

62. The following DNA sequence assembly tool is used to assemble short reads data.
A. Velvet
B. Mummer
C. VectorNTI
D. Artemis

63. The following is an online genome annotation tool
C. Annotate -it
D. GeneScan

64. Which of the following techniques is useful in determining the movement of proteins within a nucleus?
A. Electron microscopy
B. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)
C. Fluorescent in sffa hybridization (FISH)
D. Confocal light microscopy

65' Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a system for the degradation of eukaryotic mRNA molecules with what features?
A. NMD degrades mRNA molecules with stop codons at incorrect positions.
B. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that encode nonfunctional proteins.
C. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a start codon.
D. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a stop codon.

66. Which one of the following antiviral drugs effective against pandemic influenza targets neuraminidase enzyme of the influenza viruses?
A. Oseltamivir
B. Pleconaril
C. Amantadine
D. None of the above

67. Abacterium that can grow by using arsenic instead of phosphorus in its nucleic acids
A. Halomonas strain GFAJ-l
B. T.ymomonas mobilis
C. Pseudoalteromonas atlantica
D. Psuedomonas fluorescens

68. How do you represent C-alpha atom in pDB format?
C. C-alpha
D. cr

69. Genomic analysis of unculturable organisms in a habitat within an ecosystem is called
A. Metagenomics
B. Microbiome analysis
C. Phylogenomics
D. Epigenomics

70. A sequencing technique that is used to identify binding sites of DNA associated proteins
A. Solexa sequencing
B. ChlP-sequencing
C. Pyrosequencing
D. SoLiD sequencing

71. The following transcription factor is said to be uat the cross-roads of life and death,
as it operates upstream to both the proliferative and apoptotic signaling pathways
A. P53
D. None of the above

72. Amount of phosphoric acid needed to neutralize 100 g of magnesium hydroxide is
A. Salmonel la paratyphi
B. Yersinia enterocolitica
C. Helicobacter pylori
D. C oryne bacte rium diphtheriae

54. The new science of systems biology aims at?
A. Generation of multi-omics data
B. Making sense out of next generation sequencing data
C' Integration of multi-omics data and mathematical approaches to propose testable biological models relevant in discovery
D. To deliver designer therapeutics and vaccines

55' Which one of the following is connecting link between Photosystem I and photosystem II
A. plastocyanin
B. fenedoxin
C. cytochrome c
D. cytochrome 66/complex

56' Which of the following global profiles is relevant in the development of sero-diagnostic markers?
A. Transcriptome
B. Secretome
C. Virulome
D. Interactome

57. Arbuscular mycorrhizaare formed by fungi of the division
A. Basidiomycota
B. Ascomycota
C. Zygomycota
D. Glomeromycota

58. which one of the following immunoglobulins can readily cross placenta
A. IgM
C. lgA
D. tgE

59. which of the following is/are Nor a component of plant immune system?
A. Pattern recognition receptors (pRR) i
A. ll2 g
B. 168 g
C. 252 g
D. 66.7 g

73. One of the following is NOT a DNA fingerprinting technique
A. Variable number of tandem repeat analysis
B. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis
C. Differential display
D. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis

74. Sickle cell anemia provides genetic resistance towards one of the following diseases
A. Diabetes
B. Malaria
C. Tuberculosis
D. Coronary artery diseases

75. Neuronal cell death in Alzheimer's disease is induced by the following factor(s)
A. Amyloid -B
B. Reactive oxygen species
C. Nitric oxide and ER-stress
D. All of the above

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